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Professional Writing

Professional writing is critical aspect in effectively communicating concepts to customers and consumers. Throughout my studies, I have put together several research papers analyzing the world around us to connect individuals to the environments around them. Topics range from social justice to social media analysis. Below, you will find pieces I have written during my time at school, all of which I received the top grades on amongst my peers. 



"Digging Deeper into the FED"

By the year 2034, the U.S. Social Security System is expected to be completely drained of its resources, leaving over 78 million Americans with nowhere to turn for retirement aid. In order to find a sustainable solution, it is important to dig deeper into why Americans cannot save on their own, where the FED money is going, and how we can increase the inflow of funds for the people. 

In order to ensure the written information could be portrayed in an easier to read format, the follow up project was to create a multi-modal project. For my project, I decided to create a social media post - as I feel that most people get their information through social platforms these days. 


"Throw Away the Key"


The criminal justice system in America is always a topic of discussion, debating whether it does more harm than good for our society. The juvenile justice system plays a role in this, and the debate of how a fifteen year old is prosecuted is one everyone should listen to. 



"The Rise and Fall of"

Created in 2007, quickly became one of the main social media platforms for users to connect with others around the world. However, it's lack of content censorship enabled it to become a hub of illicit and harmful content. As Tumblr fell, it's important to understand what they did right and wrong for future platforms. 



"University of Utah's Heart of Innovation"

In August of 2016, the University of Utah opened the doors to their newest dorms: Lassonde Studios. Designed to be the hub for innovators and entrepreneurs, Lassonde was built to help students find ways to create and execute. Their methods were thought through and carefully instilled; and from personal experience, Lassonde is the center of innovation on campus.

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